Wurlitzer 4-17 Special, #998 (1925)
(Information provided by Ray Thursby)
1. The instrument is installed in a concrete building within the cemetery, but
was designed to be heard outdoors. It is said that the organ could be heard
as far as five miles away before houses and other structures were built near
the cemetery. Pipework is housed in four chambers (Brass, Solo, Foundation,
Main); the console is in its own separate enclosure.
2. Wind pressures are exceptionally high: The Tuba Mirabilis, English (Post)
Horn and Diaphonic Diapason are on 50" wind, while the Tibia Clausa and
Tibia Plena are on 35" wind. The remainder of the organ, except for the
Vox (which is on 10"), is on 25." Naturally, pipe scaling is enormous.
3. The blower is a Spencer powered by a 30 hp motor.
4. The organ gave trouble from the beginning. Much on-site re-engineering and
reinforcing of chests, relays, regulators, etc. had to be done before it could
be considered even remotely reliable. Some pipes are clamped to the rackboards,
while many reed pipes have screws holding blocks to boots.
5. The console appears to have a standard four-manual shell, with two full curved
rails (no partial rails) and a long row of stops on the front board. A roll
player was supplied by Wurlitzer.
6. The sound is not particularly theatrical, though when more of the
organ was playable it was pleasant...from a distance!
PEDAL: 64 Gravissima (resultant) 32 Resultant Bass 32 Diaphone 16 Bombarde 16 Diaphone 16 Double English Horn 16 Trombone 16 Diaphonic Diapason 16 Tibia Clausa 16 Contra Gamba 8 Tuba Mirabilis 8 English Horn 8 Tromba 8 Tibia Clausa 8 Cello Accomp. To Pedal Great to Pedal Bombarde to Pedal Solo to Pedal Bass Drum 16 Bombarde (pizzicato) |
GREAT: 16 Bombarde 16 Double English Horn 16 Trombone 16 Contra Gamba 8 Tuba Mirabilis 8 English Horn 8 Tromba 8 Diaphonic Diapason 8 Open Diapason 8 Tibia Plena 8 Tibia Clausa 8 String Gamba 8 Gamba 8 Gamba Celeste 8 Clarinet 8 Concert Flute 4 Tuba Clarion 4 Piccolo 4 Gambette 4 Gambette Celeste 4 Flute 2 2/3 12th 2 Piccolo 1 3/5 Tierce Cathedral Chimes Accompaniment Sub to Great Accompaniment to Great Accompaniment Octave to Great Orchestral to Great Solo to Great GREAT 2nd TOUCHES: |
ACCOMPANIMENT: 16 Diaphonic Diapason 16 Vox Humana (ten. C) 8 Tromba 8 Horn Diapason 8 Tibia Clausa 8 Clarinet 8 Viol dOrchestre 8 Viol Celeste 8 Concert Flute 8 Vox Humana 4 Octave 4 Viol 4 Octave Celeste 4 Flute 4 Vox Humana Sub Octave Unison Off Octave Orchestral Sub Octave to Accompaniment Orchestral to Accompaniment Snare Drum Marimba Harp ACCOMPANIMENT 2nd TOUCH: |
SOLO: 16 Bombarde 16 Tibia Clausa 8 Tuba Mirabilis 8 English Horn 8 Diaphonic Diapason 8 Tibia Plena 8 Tibia Clausa 8 Orchestral Oboe 8 String Gamba 8 Gamba 4 Tuba Clarion 4 Piccolo Orchestral Sub to Solo Orchestral to Solo Orchestral Octave to Solo |
ORCHESTRAL: 16 Contra Gamba 8 English Horn 8 Tromba 8 Open Diapason 8 Tibia Clausa 8 Orchestral Oboe 8 String Gamba 8 Gamba 8 Gamba Celeste 8 Viol dOrchestre 8 Viol Celeste 8 Clarinet 8 Vox Humana 4 Piccolo 4 Gambette 4 Gambette Celeste 4 Viol 4 Octave Celeste 2 15th Cathedral Chimes Sub Octave Unison Off Octave ORCHESTRAL 2nd TOUCHES: |
TREMULANTS: Brass Solo Foundation Main Vox Tibia |