York City
denotes "straight" ranks)
{name} {pipes} {scaling} {wind} GREAT
unless otherwise marked 16 Contra bass 56 pipes (wood) 16 Gedeckt 97 pipes (wood) 16 Muted diapason 97 pipes 32sc 16 Viola 97 pipes
42sc 16 Trombone 97 pipes 8"
@ 16'C 15" wind 16 French horn 85 pipes 8"
@ 16'C 8 Open diapason 1 * 73 pipes 39sc 8 Open diapason 2 * 73 pipes 42sc 4 Octave * 73 pipes 54sc 12th & 15th IIrks * 122 pipes 12th=64sc 15th=67sc Mixture IVrks * 244 pipes 8 Concert flute 85 pipes (wood) 8 Violins IIrks 170 pipes 68sc 8 Dulciana 85 pipes 56sc 8 Unda maris 85 pipes 56sc 8 Orchestral oboe 73 pipes Chrysoglott (w/dampers) 49 notes ORCHESTRAL
wind unless otherwise marked 16 Violin diapason 97 pipes 35sc 16 Tibia minor 97 pipes (wood) 16 Wald horn 97 pipes 6"
@ 16'C 8 Horn diapason * 73 pipes 45sc 8 Spitz flute celeste IIrks * (cel=tc) 134 pipes 8 Gamba * 73 pipes 58sc 8 Gamba celeste * 73 pipes 58sc 8 Salicional * 73 pipes 64sc 8 Voix celeste * 73 pipes 64sc 8 Muted violins IIrks * 146 pipes 64sc Mixture VIrks * 366 pipes 8 Trumpet (Brass) 73 pipes 8 Oboe horn * 73 pipes 8 Vox humana 73 pipes 6" wind 8 Vox humana IIrks 146 pipes 6" wind (regular & large scales) SOLO
wind unless otherwise marked ------
FOURTH FLOOR ------ 8 Melophone 73 pipes (wood) 4 Harmonic flute 73 pipes 58sc 16 'Cello violone 97 pipes 40sc 8 'Cello celeste 73 pipes 52sc 8 Saxophone (Brass) 73 pipes 10" wind 16 English horn 85 pipes 10" wind 8 Kinura 73 pipes
10" wind 8 Basset horn 73 pipes 10" wind ------
THIRD FLOOR ------ 32 Tuba sonora 109 pipes (1-24
wood) 32 Tibia clausa 109 pipes (wood) 16 English post horn 85 pipes 8 Tuba mirabilis 73 pipes 25" wind 16 Diaphonic diapason 85 pipes (1-12 wood) 25"
wind 37sc @ 8'C PERCUSSION
ORGAN CHAMBER Harp and Marimba 49 notes Xylophone 49 notes Glockenspiel and Bells 37 notes Bass Drum Special Bass Drum (Orchestral) Special Bass Drum (Thunder Drum) Snare Drum Special Snare Drum (Orchestral) Chinese Gong Triangle Chinese Block Castanets Tambourine Tom-Tom Shuffle Crash Cymbal Persian Cymbal Bird Sleigh Bells Grand Piano
Chamber 17
registers 22 ranks 1,685 pipes Orchestral
Chamber 15 registers 23 ranks 1,667 pipes Solo
Chamber 13
registers 13 ranks 1,081 pipes TOTAL 45 registers 58 ranks 4,433 pipes
********** STOPLIST **********
**************************************************************************** Stops
are arranged in console order, showing names as engraved on tabs.
locations are given by letter; tabs had usual "dots".
{stop name} {chamber} {comments}
P E D A L -------- 64 Gravissima S Tibia
cl. 32 Bombarde S Tuba
son. 32 Sub bass S Tibia
cl. 16 English post horn S 16 Tuba profunda S
Tuba son. 16 Trombone G 16 Diaphone S 16 Wald horn O 16 Contra bass G 16 Contra tibia clausa S 16 Violone S 'Cello violone 16 Violin diapason O 16 Muted diapason G 16 Contra viola G Viola 16 French horn G 16 English horn S 16 Bourdon O Tibia min. 16 Lieblich gedeckt G 10
2/3 Tuba quint S Tuba son. 10
2/3 Quint S Tibia cl. 8 Tuba mirabilis S 8 English post horn S 8 Tuba sonora S 8 Tromba G Trombone 8 Diapason S Diaphonic 8 Octave G Contra bass 8 Wald horn O 8 Tibia clausa S 8 Violincello S 'Cello violone 8 'Cello celeste S 8 Violin diapason O 8 Tibia minor O 8 Muted diapason G 8 Violins III G Viola & Violins II 8 Concert flute G 8 Lieblich gedeckt G 4 Cornet S Tuba
son. 4 Tromba clarion G 4 Super octave G Contra bass 4 Tibia minor O 4 Open flute G Concert 4 'Cello S 4 'Cello celeste S 4 Violins III G Viola & Violins II Mixture III G Muted diapason 16 Grand piano 8 Grand piano 8 Cathedral chimes Thunder drum, stroke Thunder drum, roll Bass drum, band Bass drum, orchestra Cymbals Snare drum, band roll Snare drum, orchestra roll Accompaniment to Pedal Great to Pedal Orchestral unison to Pedal Orchestral octave to Pedal Solo unison to Pedal Solo octave to Pedal
P E D A L S E C O N D T O U C H --------
32 Bombarde S Tuba
son. 32 Sub bass S Tibia
cl. 10
2/3 Tuba quint S Tuba son. 8 Cathedral chimes Thunder drum, stroke Thunder drum, roll Bass drum, band Tympani Cymbals Persian cymbals Chinese gong Triangle Grand Crash Solo unison to Pedal Solo octave to Pedal
A C C O M P A N I M E N T --------
16 Wald horn O 16 Bass clarinet (tc) G 16 Contra viola G 16 Lieblich gedeckt G 16 Double dulciana (tc) G 8 Tuba sonora S 8 Tromba G 8 Violin diapason O 8 Wald horn O 8 Tibia clausa S 8 Tibia minor O 8 Muted diapason G 8 Orchestral oboe G 8 Clarinet G 8 French horn G 8 Kinura S 8 English horn S 8 Viola G 8 Violins II G 8 Concert flute G 8 Lieblich gedeckt G 8 Dulciana G 8 Unda maris G 8 Vox humana O 8 Vox humana II O 4 Clarion O Wald
horn 4 Muted octave G 4 Octave viola G 4 Violins II G 4 Traverse flute G Concert fl. 4 Flute d;amour G Gedeckt 4 Dulciana G 4 Unda maris G 4 Vox humana O 4 Vox humana II O 2
2/3 Nazard G Gedeckt 2 Piccolo G Concert
fl. 2 Flautina G Gedeckt 2 Dolcetin G Dulciana 1
3/5 Tierce G Gedeckt 8 Grand piano 4 Grand piano 8 Marimba 8 Marimba harp 4 Xylophone 2 Glockenspiel 8 Harp 4 Celesta Snare drum, band tap Snare drum, band roll Snare drum, orchestra tap Snare drum, orchestra roll Tambourine Castanets Chinese block, tap Chinese block, roll Tom-tom Shuffle Octave (superoctave coupler) Orchestral to accompaniment
E C O N D T O U C H --------
8 Melophone S 8 English post horn S 8 Tuba sonora S 8 Tromba G 8 Diapason S Diaphonic 8 Tibia clausa S 8 Basset horn S 8 Clarinet G 8 Saxophone S 8 'Cellos II S 8 English horn S Cathedral Chimes 2 Glockenspiel Snare drum, band roll Snare drum, orchestra roll Chinese block, roll Triangle Bird Orchestral to accompaniment Solo to accompaniment
I Z Z I C A T O --------
8 English post horn S 8 Tuba sonora S 8 Melophone S 8 Tibia clausa S 8 Saxophone S 8 'Cellos II S Orchestral to accompaniment Solo to accompaniment
G R E A T --------
32 Double lieblich gedeckt G (tenor
c) 16 Trombone G 16 Muted diapason G 16 Lieblich gedeckt G 8 Trumpet O 8 Tuba sonora S 8 Tromba G 8 Diapason S Diaphonic 8 Melophone S 8
* Open diapason (1st) G 8
* Open diapason (2nd) G 8 Violin diapason O 8 Tibia clausa S 8 Tibia minor O 8 Muted diapason G 8 French horn G 8 Viola G 8 Concert flute G 8 Lieblich gedeckt G 8 Dulciana G 8 Unda maris G 8 Vox humana O 8 Vox humana II O 4 Tromba clarion G 4
* Octave G 4 Muted octave G 4 Octave viola G 4 Tibia minor O 4 Traverse flute G Concert fl. 4 Flute d'amour G Gedeckt 2
2/3 * 12th & 15th G 2 Super octave G Muted diap. 2 Flautina G Gedeckt * Mixture
IV G 8 Grand piano Cathedral Chimes 4 Xylophone 2 Glockenspiel 8 Harp 4 Celesta Snare drum, band tap Snare drum, band roll Snare drum, orchestra roll Octave Accompaniment sub to great Accompaniment unison to great Accompaniment octave to great Orchestral sub to great Orchestral unison to great Orchestral octave to great Solo unison to great Solo octave to great
G R E A T S E C O N D T O U C H --------
16 English post horn S 16 Tubua profunda S Tuba son. 16 Contra tibia clausa S 16 Basset horn tc S 16 Bass clarinet tc G 16 English horn S 8 Tuba mirabilis S 8 English post horn S 8 Tuba sonora S 8 Diapason S Diaphonic 4 Tibia flute S Tibia
cl. 4 Harmonic flute S Snare drum, band roll Snare drum, orchestra roll Chinese block, roll Triangle Orchestral to great Solo
to great
O R C H E S T R A L --------
16 Wald horn O 16 Violin diapason O 16 Bourdon O Tibia
min. 16 Vox humana (tc) O 16 Vox humana II (tc) O 8 English post horn S 8 Trumpet O 8 Tuba sonora S 8 Diapason S Diaphonic 8 Melophone S 8
* Horn diapason O 8 Violin diapason O 8 Wald horn O 8 Tibia clausa S 8 Tibia minor O 8 Basset horn S 8 Orchestral oboe G 8 Clarinet G 8 Saxophone S 8 French horn G 8 Kinura S 8 English horn S 8
* Oboe horn O 8
* Gamba O 8
* Gamba celeste O 8
* Salicional O 8
* Voix celeste O 8 Viola G 8 Violin 'Cello S 8 'Cello celeste S 8 Violins II G 8
* Spitzflote celeste II O 8
* Muted violins II O 8 Concert flute G 8 Lieblich gedeckt G 8 Dulciana G 8 Unda maris G 8 Vox humana O 8 Vox humana II O 4 Clarion O Wald horn 4 Octave O Violin
diap. 4 Tibia minor O 4 Traverse flute G Concert fl. 4 Harmonic flute S 4 Flute d'amour G Gedeckt 4 Vox humana O 4 Vox humana II O 2
2/3 Nazard G Gedeckt 2 Piccolo O Tibia
min. 2 Harmonic piccolo S 2 Flautina G Gedeckt 1
3/5 Tierce G Gedeckt * Mixture
VI O 8 Grand piano 8 Marimba 8 Marimba harp 4 Xylophone 2 Glockenspiel 8 Harp 4 Celesta Octave Accompaniment unison to orchestral Accompaniment octave to orchestral Solo unison to orchestral Solo octave to orchestral
S O L O --------
16 English post horn S 16 Tuba profunda S Tuba
son. 16 Wald horn O 16 Contra tibia clausa S 16 Basset horn (tc) S 16 Bassoon (tc) G Orch. oboe 16 Bass clarinet (tc) G 16 Bass saxophone (tc) S 16 Kinura (tc) S 16 English horn S 16 Violone S 16 Contra viola G 16 Vox humana (tc) O 16 Vox humana II (tc) O 8 Tuba mirabilis S 8 English post horn S 8
Trumpet O 8 Tuba sonora S 8 Tromba G 8 Wald horn O 8 Diapason S Diaphonic 8 Melophone S 8 Violin diapason O 8 Tibia clausa S 8 Tibia minor O 8 Bassett horn S 8 Orchestral oboe G 8 Clarinet G 8 Saxophone S 8 French horn S 8 Kinura S 8 English horn S 8 Viola G 8 Violin 'cello S 8 'Cello celeste S 8 Violins II G 8 Concert flute G 8 Vox humana O 8 Vox humana II O 4 Cornet S Tuba son. 4 Clarion O Wald
horn 4 Tibia flute S Tibia
cl. 4 Tibia minor O 4 Harmonic flute S 4 'Cello S 4 Octave viola G 4 Violins II G 2
2/3 Tibia twelfth S Tibia cl. 2
2/3 Flute twelfth O Tibia min. 2 Tibia piccolo S Tibia cl. 2 Piccolo O Tibia
min. 2 Harmonic piccolo S 8 Grand piano 4 Grand piano 8 Cathedral chimes 8 Marimba 8 Marimba harp 4 Xylophone 2 Xylophone 2 Glockenspiel 2 Orchestral bells 8 Harp 4 Celesta Octave
P I S T O N S --------
10 Toe pistons to Pedal 10 Double touch accompaniment and pedal pistons 10 Double touch great and pedal pistons 10 Double touch orchestral and pedal pistons 10 Double touch solo and pedal pistons 10 General pistons General Cancel piston Drum piston (enables all drums on manuals
and pedal) Trap cancel piston Tremolo cancel piston Bird piston and toe piston
Toe pedals for the following: Chinese gong, first touch roll,
second touch stroke Persian cymbal, first touch roll,
second touch stroke Thunder roll/crash Toe pistons for the following: Triangle Sleigh bells 1 Sleigh bells 2
T R E M U L A N T S --------
High and low pressure tremulants in all
sections Tibia Clausa tremulant Vox Humana tremulant Vox Humana II tremulant
A C C E S S O E I E S --------
Three expression pedals Master expression pedal Crescendo pedal (with ind. light) Position indicators for expression pedals Mezzo toe pedal (with ind. light) Sforzando toe pedal (with ind. light) General Cancel toe pedal (affects crescendo) Toe pedals as follows: Chimes dampers (reversible) Chimes soft (rev.) Harp sustain (rev.) Muffled drum (rev.) Piano soft Piano sustain
Two signal lights and signal buttons
C O M M E N T S --------
two consoles are exact duplicates one of the other. There are two complete
relay and switching systems, located in one room on the 4th floor,
OP side. There are two complete
setter-board piston actions, located
in one room on the 4th floor, Prompt side.
The "open" position of
a swell pedal takes precedence between consoles, if both consoles are
in simultaneous use.
General Cancel toe pedal, besides cancelling all the stopkeys, operated
a big pneumatic which pushed the Crescendo pedal into the closed
position. It had been disconnected;
I understand that if you had your
foot on the Crescendo pedal when you cancelled, it would about break
your ankle.
consoles originally had concert-style organ benches. They were later replaced
with Howard seats.
organ is laid out as follows:
BLOWER OP side, Sub-basement WORKSHOP OP side, 3rd floor ORCHESTRAL OP side, 3rd floor GREAT OP side, 4th floor RELAYS OP side, 4th floor SOLO Prompt side, 3rd and 4th floors PERCUSSIONS Prompt side, 3rd floor COMBINATIONS Prompt side, 4th floor |