By 1906, stage technology for vaudeville in particular
had reached a height of technical efficiency for moving diverse
shows in & out with maximum speed at the minimum of cost.
The Lyric's seating capacity, stage facilities & fashionable newness made it attractive for special touring shows which would some nights run
instead of the usual vaudeville bill.
In its early days, large stage productions such as "Ben Hur"
(with elaborate chariot race spectacle) were presented at the
Lyric. President Woodrow Wilson addressed the
representatives of Latin-American states from the Lyric's
stage during the Southern Commercial Congress in 1913.
The Lyric
hosted W.C. Fields, Geraldine Farrar, Richard
Strauss (conducting his "Salome"), Sara
Bernhardt, Burns & Allen, road companies of
Ziegfeld's "Follies" & George White's
"Scandals", & others.