The Jefferson Theatre,
about 1927.
Vilma Banky & Ronald Colman's The Magic Flame is
showing inside.
Saenger Theatres owned 50% of Texas' Jefferson Amusement Company, which owned & operated the Jefferson Theatre from the time of its construction. The theatre's architect is Emile Weil, & it's very much in his usual vein for a Saenger house of this size. Only a few trim details are different: no cast plaster Saenger 'S' worked into the decoration, & turned or carved wood instead of iron pipe railings around the orchestra pit & elsewhere as was usual in similar Saenger houses. |
The Jefferson Theatre exists in a state of great originality. It has remained in use as a spectacular venue for community theatre & other live entertainment. The theatre's original 3 manual, 8 rank Robert Morton organ was restored by Beaumont resident Floyd Broussard. |
Other information:
Randy Welborn Studio, Texas artist with great 1950's paintings of the Jefferson Theatre in his online gallery |
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